韩国设计师品牌H5LY No7 (HOLY NUMBER 7) 以设计师拳击手背景为灵感,在最新系中演绎“挑战梦想之美”,将Contender(挑战者)这个术语由拳击舞台带到了纯美学的领域,将拳击比赛的激情注入时装之中。作为“Contender”,无论处于何种困境,无论起点有多晚,但是内心的热忱始终不会消逝。品牌设计师正是以此精神,向世界传递出热情与美丽。制作这一系列的同时,还促进了环境保护的理念。通过在循环涤纶面料上采用数码直喷印花(DTP)和烫画转印,并尝试使用源于天然的环保印染油墨。相比传统的染色与洗涤过程,这种技术大大减少了废水与能耗,同时也消除了对人体健康的潜在风险。为了打破单一视觉审美,H5LY No7 (HOLY NUMBER 7) 在设计中融入了类似牛仔和羊毛肌理的印花元素,展现独特视角,使一种面料可以呈现出多元触感和质地,在细节处呈现品牌本身诙谐反叛、从不循规蹈矩的积极态度。该系列旨在反映现代时尚的多样性以及其底层的多样之美。 2017年,由男装设计出身的崔景镐设计师和女装设计出身的宋贤姬设计师夫妇共同创立了 H5LY No7 (HOLY NUMBER 7)。品牌名称与鱼形LOGO同样蕴含着“惊喜的幸运数字7“的意义。品牌期望穿着其产品的每一位消费者,都可以感受到充满乐趣的幸运和肆意的狂喜 。用诙谐的视觉语言,传达环保概念。以时尚为媒介产生善意影响力是品牌执着追求的方向。 崔景镐与宋贤姬设计师夫妇 中国台湾演员王大陆、男子组合DKZ、女子组合爱丽丝昭熙、广播人(公众人物)Lady Jane、模特李惠贞、广播人(公众人物)徐东柱、AFC冠军格斗选手金相旭、洪俊英、MC Grey等众多名人和明星参加了时装秀,国内多数企业作为赞助商参加了时装秀。 首尔时装周大使New Jeans成员Danniell,首度演绎H5LY No7 (HOLY NUMBER 7) 2024春夏系列明线牛仔背心出镜宣传片,灵动呈现Contender系列“挑战梦想之美”。 首尔时装周首日,王大陆出席大秀,全套Look来自2024春夏系列。于首尔街头漫步,牛仔蓝色系条纹西装与奶油色系针织短袖的假日感搭配共谱早秋旋律,恣意释放悠游态度。完美契合品牌多元明快、鬼马反叛的设计风格。 HOLY NUMBER 7 SPRING/ SUMMER 2024 Fashion Week CONTENDER 'Contender' is a boxing term that signifies a challenger with enough skill to threaten the champion. The 24SS season narrates the "Beauty of Challenging Dreams" through the unique sense arising from the designer's remarkable background and experiences as a professional boxer. Even if we may be a little late compared to others or face moments of despair, this fashion show portrays the passion and beauty of individuals who never give up, fighting with determination to turn their dreams into reality. Each season, Holy Number Seven takes on the challenge of breathing new life into discarded items. In this particular collection, we adopted a direct digital textile printing (DTP) system and sublimation transfer on recycled poly fabric, utilizing eco-friendly ink based on natural dyes. This approach significantly reduces wastewater and energy consumption compared to conventional dyeing and washing processes while also addressing potential harm to human health. To avoid monotony, we incorporated graphics resembling denim and wool fabric, adding a diverse range of feelings and textures to the design using a single material. Once again, we wish that the positive spirit of our fashion challenge and the message we want to convey resonate fully with those who encounter this collection. |